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Learn Danish videos
Grammatikvideoer (16 videoer)
01 - Tror, Synes, Tænker, Mener (3:58)
02 - Modalverber- skal, vil, kan, må (1:08)
03 - Kortsvar (Har, Er, Modalverber, Gør) (6:58)
04 - kortsvar_2 (short-answers) (3:46)
05 - Præpositioner (på, til og i) (4:29)
06 - To Go in Danish- skal, tager, går, rejser (2:44)
07 - Det eller Der (3:38)
08 - HAR eller ER i førnutid? (2:29)
09 - Just or Only in Danish - kun, lige or bare (6:51)
10 - Nogen, noget or nogle in Danish (10:39)
11 - Selv, Selv om, Selvom - What's the difference (advanced) (5:24)
12 - To change in Danish- 6 different words & expressions (advanced) (12:24)
13 - To need in Danish- 5 different expressions (intermediate-advanced) (6:01)
14 - Som eller Der? (7:01)
15 - Substantiver (2:54)
16 - Verber (generelt, infinitiver og modalverber) (7:02)
Thematic videos / Tematiske videoer
02 - The Princess and the Pea - Fairytale (4:23)
03 - Transport og dagligdag (3:40)
07 - Min bolig 2 (4:24)
08 - Min bolig (min stue) (4:03)
07 - The Danes and work' (4:00)
Ervin på tur: Roskilde (14:52)
Expressions: sætninger og udtyk
01. - 15 sætninger med 'Det' (2:08)
02 - 75 questions (9:26)
03 - 200 spørgsmål (sound only) (8:26)
04. - 200 udtryk (19:49)
27 activities in 4 verb tenses and inversion
01 - at købe ind (to buy groceries) (0:51)
02 - at tage hjem (to go home) (0:50)
03 - at spise frokost (to eat lunch) (0:53)
04 - at slappe af (to relax) (0:51)
05 - at skrive en mail (to write an email) (0:46)
06 - at arbejde hjemme (to work home) (0:49)
07 - at drikke kaffe (to drink coffee) (0:48)
08 - at høre musik (to listen to music) (0:48)
09 - at lave hjemmearbejde (to do homework) (0:54)
10 - at hente sine børn (to pick up one's kids) (1:05)
11 - at rydde op (to tidy up) (0:48)
12 - at gøre rent (0:50)
13 - at vaske tøj (to wash clothes) (0:53)
14 - at tale i telefon (to speak on the phone) (1:04)
15 - at være sammen med venner (to spend time with friends) (1:11)
16 - at lave mad (to cook) (0:57)
17 - at spise aftensmad med familien (to eat dinner with your family) (1:10)
18 - at vaske op (to wash the dishes) (0:59)
19 - at læse en bog (to read a book) (0:57)
20 - at gå en tur (to go for a walk) (1:00)
21 - at få gæster (to have guests) (1:00)
22 - at sende en besked (to send a message) (1:04)
23 - at høre musik (to listen to music) (0:57)
24 - at snakke med en ven (to speak with a friend) (0:56)
25 - at se fjernsyn (to watch TV) (0:54)
26 - at gå i seng (to go to bed) (0:55)
27 - at sove (to sleep) (0:50)
Teach online with
16 - at lave mad (to cook)
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